Snow Community
Average 60-200 Players Online on Weekends, due to Different TimeZones
Known for mainly our Runescape private servers, we also manage several other projects, including Rust servers for both PC and console. Search for SnowRSPS on Rust Console/PC and join our ever-growing community.
We pride ourselves on our robust community support, with hundreds of dollars donated weekly and donors' names proudly displayed on our homepage and Auto Donation Store. Our servers are F2P, with donations only speeding up your progress.
Our staff team is active and committed to enhancing your experience. We regularly promote staff members to ensure they stay engaged and contribute effectively. For those interested in joining our team, submit a #Staff-Application on our Discord.
New players are always welcome to a [FREE STARTER KIT] (valuable items available in our store) Our community serves as a hub for reconnecting with old friends and meeting new ones, fostering a sense of belonging that’s been growing since 2012.
Join our Weekly Giveaways on Discord or #Make-a-ticket. Your support, whether through donations or active participation, helps sustain our community and fund essential services like maintenance and advertising.
Find us on top gaming directories like TopG, Top100Arena, RSPS-list, Runelocus, and Moparscape. Our main websites include,,,,,,, & more.